Things roofing contractors look for prior to repairing your roof:

  1. Present roof damage.
  1. Budget.
  1. Your roof type
  1. Size of Roof.
  1. Insulation.

Roof Damage

On arrival at your place, the first thing a roofer does is to examine your roof for damages. See this for typical signs to look at for, and some examples of damaged roof. Therefore, the roofer will basically check your roof in order to identify various possible problems, such as missing flashing, breaks, gaps, shingle wear, wood rot, buckling, as well as water pooling, curling, wrinkling, missing flashing and a host of other problems.

Subject to the extent and kind of damage your roofing has, it’s of utmost importance to realize that while some can be fixed almost immediately without much expense, others may be expensive and takes a longer time to fix. Typical example is, while the roofer can efficiently fix damaged spot portions without needing to worry about replacement; on the other hand, signs of persistent problems after historical repairs such as major damages or major code violations will call for a full roof replacement.

Damaged roof


The cost of replacement and repair can accumulate quickly, and therefore the roofers will need to know your budget to fix the necessary repairs. It is worthy to note that, roof with very high quality will cost more to fix than regular roofs, simply because the measure of labor needed by roofers is usually higher when compared to flat surfaces.  Removing, repairing, or replacing wrinkles, shrunken and rotten areas, including facades, soffits and underlayment can easily increase costs. Well, the good news is that if you have insurance benefits, it may cover the costs.

Strip Away the Old

By law, roofs are allowed to support up to 2 layers of asphalt shingles, which means that if your roof contained one single layer, you might include another. This is one factor that roofers will be on the lookout for, based on the current situation of your roof and service you need. Even though this may lessen your expenses by a thousand dollar and save you some mess, the roofer won’t have the capacity to adequately assess and fix the flashing and decked areas underneath.

Furthermore, if asphalt is absent there, the tear-off process can be more difficult, daunting and obviously, costly. If the roofer is able to see the authentic wood shingles on the roof’s bottom while still being in the roof space, then everything will have to be removed. In addition to this, the roofer will have to install new plywood decking too. Regarding the cost, the project will gulp five thousand dollars more.

Roof Size

The roof size is of great necessity; thus the roofer will obviously want to measure and know the exact size.  This is specifically significant should he recommend replacing the entire roof.


Finally, the roofer will inspect the roof to confirm whether it is well insulated or not. If insulated, this implies your house will be cool in the summer and warm in the winter. On the other hand, if the roof is inadequately insulated, this will not compel you to raise the AC or the heat which will significantly increase your energy bills, but it will, in addition, lead to other several issues like molds, ice buildup, leaks and similar complications.Roof Insulation

Generally, the above 5 things are what a roofer will take into account before fixing your roof. Simply ensure you employ a proficient and reputable roofer, and you can be guaranteed that he will  finish the job quickly and affordably.